Chelsey S.
I love everything about this book. I never nee how much I needed it.
Taniesha B.
I brought the hard back journal for myself and gifted the paperback to one of my spiritual sisters! We both love them
Pascale Green
Disclaimer to this review: as I am not Christian, I cannot really relate to some basic tenants of this book, so I will mostly be making more general comments. However, if you are Christian I assume this book would be a good fit for you, since it talks about faith based ways to heal conditions we commonly attempt to treat with prescription drugs and therapy. Those methodologies might be needed sometimes, but I think many people would agree that no matter your religion, exploring some healing spiritual paths can also provide benefit, such as prayer and reflection. The author seeks to afford Christian readers this opportunity in the book by also including some workbook material about prayer, etc.
Gerardo Russel
The author J. Marie Jones impressively wrote a simplistic book. Affirm the Word gives concordance and reliability with agile admittance to bible verses. Circumstances in the book help the reader to remember bible inscriptions. The good thing about the Jones inculcate in her writings is the valid bible prayers, scriptures, testimonies, and meditations presented in a timely way.The book also aids the believers to develop more patience in the daily routine and improve discipline as per Bible commands. The book is indeed a page-turner, and it is a must-read for all kinds of readers who want to revive their faith.
Angus Nader
There are many topics covered in this book if you are interested in learning about them. If you are new to the Bible or don’t know many scriptures and would like to know them, this book may be a place to start. However, it is important that you don’t use this as a reference book. Simply use it to jump start your search into any of the topics that are interesting and relevant to you in this book.
Howell Bergnaum
Affirm The Word: The Spiritual Practice of Speaking & Living God's Word is a book that will help the reader get through any kind of emotional problems the person is dealing with at the moment. With beautiful verses from the bible that are grouped by an issue you might have; it helps you to deal with the situation.This book was a guide for me, it was a comfort in one of my worst moments. The author shares personal reflections about each topic which makes it feel like what you need. It felt as if I was reconnecting with myself, and for that I cannot recommend this enough. One of the things I liked about the book is that there is a table of context to go and check.
Linwood Skiles
We are all looking for answers to things and for ways to overcome circumstances. Affirm the world by author Jones is a book that has helped me achieve those things in a short time.The main idea of the book is that speaking heals, speaking about God, speaking to God or just speaking. The narrative supplies readers with useful tools, like practical prayers and affirmations, that can change the perspective of so many different life aspects.I must confess I was first caught by the cover; I loved its design and what it says. Then, as soon as I started reading and putting the tools into practise, I loved it even more.Those looking to have a better and more mindful lifestyle should definitely give this book a try.
Blaise Jast
This reads like more than just a self-help book, and rightfully so. As a perfect source for those doing soul searching on their journey to understanding Christianity, the affirmation shines thoroughly in these pages. As followers, it's not uncommon to feel lost or a bit disconnected in life, and this is a great way to find that reconnection and ways to develop and grow as we learn. This book is a perfect opportunity for readers to reflect and dive into each subject with great intensity. I especially liked that this book touches on all subjects that can be beneficial to readers, specifically anxiety and divorce, as I feel that many affected by these issues are continuously searching for some necessary connection.
Michele Ledner
“Affirm The Word” is an inspiring piece of writing that changed my mind and my soul. It gave me another perspective about spirituality and about my own life. This guide has it all: prayers that caress the soul, reflections about present time and a place so as to leave prayers that reach the heart.Something that I really appreciate in this useful guide is that it is so well-organized that I could find the topic I needed in a few seconds. Also, the author writes with such devotion that I felt that I was talking to her over a cup of tea.All in all, this book is perfect for believers and non-believers, too. I highly recommend it.
Jayde Mraz
Wow. I began reading this book with mostly skepticism, but that point of view changed as I continued to read it. "Affirm the Word" by J.M. Jones made me realize a few different things about myself and my life. Or, at least, how I see them. I am someone of faith, but I cannot say that I actively practice it. I do not defend it as I probably should and I tell myself it is because I do not have the evidence to back it up. I have lots of "feelings" and can sometimes instinctively give someone peace of mind or help them understand something. Jones also mentions how there was struggle in letting God take the burdens of their life. I struggle to do that, too. I ask for guidance, but instead of letting it run its course, I always try to fix it without giving it some time. Without giving HIM some time. I ended up loving this book as it also speaks of depression and anxiety which is something that I do not have, but know many people who do and who struggle with it themselves. I will recommend this book to them as well as anyone who just wants a push in the right direction.
Maurine Mraz
“Affirm the word” is a helpful and inspiring book compiled by J. Marie Jones. In this work, the author states that any difficulty can be overcome by listening to and following God’s word. In this fashion, she has created this resourceful compilation where passages from the bible and God’s words are organized and classified for readers to find the relief and help they may need at the right moment.I am ignorant about all things regarding the bible and its words. However, I am also a curious and avid reader. This is the first time I approach a text such as this one and I must say that I found it very interesting. The book is short and concise. It is built as a guide whose simple and straightforward writing style invited me to binge-read until the last page. I strongly recommend it.
Gerda Collins
“Affirm The Word” by J. Marie Jones delves with the importance of speaking the Word of God, as well as life-affirming words over their lives every day. It highlights the significance of the words. Quoting the author: “speaking the change we want to see and be”Based in a wise reference index of over 80 topics (such as Anxiety, Confidence, Gluttony, Wisdom and many others) this guide is aimed to help readers quickly locate, speak and memorize key scriptures.All in all, this is an enlightening and thought provoking read, assisting readers in discovering peace within themselves and God and balancing their lifestyle with faith, overcoming any circumstance and growing in the walk with Him.
Frida Abbott
J. Marie Jones did a sublime job writing this work. She is knowledgeable but humble and I adored this fact. My views are different in some aspects than many of hers but I still learn and enjoy so much from her book because she explains things really well; she uses good examples, thoughts and quotes.I love this book as it brought me out fear and helped me established more faith in God.She taught me, among other things, that it doesn't matter how big or small my situation is; all I have to do is ask and commune with him every day! I dare to say that this gave me peace, confidence and calm in a chaotic world, knowing that everything will work out according to God's purpose.I'm eternally grateful for Marie's guidance; it has helped me to restore my relationship with God. I can't wait to read this masterpiece again.
Nya Becker
"Affirm the Word" is a strong and beautiful book on faith and Christianity. It informs us how as believers and followers of Christ, we still refuse to embrace Him thoroughly in our lives and give total control. However, once we surrender ourselves to God then we can feel a definite change in our lives.The book is filled with many words of wisdom such as the author's own confession about how she was reckless in life and unknowingly hurt people. It was only after she reformed and became a follower of the Lord that she realized her mistake and asked for forgiveness from the concerned people where some believed her while others did not. The author guides us into forgiving other people because they are unaware of the hurt which they are causing us, and hence by forgiving we will be following God's words.
Angeline Kreiger
What I enjoyed the most about this book was feeling that passion the author put in each theme she wrote about. It obviously has a religious input throughout the whole book, but at the same time we can choose who that God is.Author J. Marie Jones delivered an insightful book to reflect on each topic. I found a very interesting one about “Unwavering Faith-Produced through fire”. It has a lot of good reflections for readers to be part of.To sum up, it is a book for the reader to immerse and work on each subject, to reflect their acts and beliefs. I also loved the cover; I felt the need to click on it.
Royce Lowe
Affirm The Word: The Spiritual Practice of Speaking & Living God’s Word by J. Marie Jones. This book is a help-self-guide based on the scriptures, the idea of the author is that if you choose to change all your weird thoughts for the word of God, you will find first, that he has spoken for any problem you may have, no matter how little it may seem, and second you will be relief from all your problems, fears and hesitations because you will embrace the word of God as part of your daily life and will live according to his sayings. The book is well written, has an index where we can find quickly any topic we are looking at, it comes with plenty of Scriptures, prayers, and reflections about life and its problems and it can be used as a prayer journal, but I think that you need to be a fervent believer for this to work as it was intended to be.
Shayne Cormier
This book gives a testament to how God’s word and His scripture can change someone’s life. She includes her own story and how she has found God and now lives a better life devoted to God and helping others find Him as well.The book is a collection of scriptures, prayers and reflections from the author, all of which have helped her so she is sharing it with others. I’m not sure how much it will help others, but for those truly seeking God and need a starting point, this can be very beneficial.
Bret Kris
Affirm the word is a self-worth, self-healing book that discusses depression, anxiety, divorce, and other problematic matters. It provides you with the tools, for example, prayers, praises, affirmations, scriptures, and reflections to fix that. What a beautiful cover design. I found it very attractive. I think this book would be more suitable for those who have some kind of religious background. The literature was easy to read and understand. The subject matters were organized and were relatable. This book is suited better for the Christian faith.
Braeden Wiegand
Author J. Maria Jones serves as a media communications professional, a voice over artist, and a source of inspiration to those seeking understanding of Christianity. AFFIRM THE WORD is her debut publication.In her Introductory notes Jones states, ‘The Word of God teaches that there are toe critical things believers must do upon conversion. The first is to be transformed into their NEW, Divine selves by renewing their minds. Conversion is free and only requires us to accept and believe. Transformation takes place via the work of the Holy Spirit in us, as we internalize God’s Word and renew our mind in the process. The second is to follow Christ. One cannot effectively and consistently do the latter without simultaneously doing the former. We will always be a work in progress. The hope, however, is that our constant evolution is ever toward the image of God and not that of our carnal self.’This degree of commitment is present throughout this selfless testimony to her beliefs in God and the importance of heeding God’s Word. Dividing her book into sections that focus on one aspect at a time – reflections on casting your burdens, binding and loosing, divorce, faith, Divine forgiveness, giving, healing, Divine love, salvation, Divine surrender, identity/Divine self-worth – allows each idea to be fully examined, first by the author’s commentary, followed by sections of scripture, well chosen and sensitively presented, a concept that allows a thorough exploration of both the author’s thoughts and the relevant affirming Word of God.More than simply a self-help book, though it definitely is that as well, this is a fine discussion of the Bible’s meaning. Grady Harp, June 21
Macie Dare
Affirm the Word: The Spiritual Practice of Speaking and Living God's Word by J. Marie Jones is an inspiring read that will motivate a sincere believer to speak out more about God. The author explains how she began to grow as a Christian and the mentor who showed Marie her spiritual gift. The author then highlights areas many struggle and fail at, and she gives verses from the Bible that can guide and direct. The author has a boldness about speaking out, and this book allows her to reach people her words cannot. My favorite part was on the Whole Armor of God.
Rhiannon Vandervort
This book made me pray for the first time in a long time. I needed that reconnection with my spiritual self. The book offers a prayer journal built in the back. If you are looking for a way to get closer to that perfect practice.
Abel Hauck
This book caught my attention because of the bright yet beautiful cover design . . . and upon reading, I do believe the author created it herself, as she noted she was a graphic designer. Bravo! The book content compilation was a tremendous undertaking all in it's own right ~ and the author was inclusive . . . rather than truncate to a typical coverage of issues, she took the time to be thorough and cover many unique topics. Her chapter about the children, and the children's affirmation is excellent. Also unique to this book is a distinct non-traditional approach to commentary. Rather than comment on each topic, she selected specific topics to expand upon. I appreciated her honesty in her research: some topics were a stretch for her to understand. After expressing this, she dives into her discoveries, and ends up doing an excellent job rounding out the commentary so that the reader never leaves the topic, but instead engages it with a fresh new set of eyes. Familiar with Napoleon Hill and his contemporaries? The reader is open and honest about the era of New Thought influencing her work. The greatest gift of it, in my opinion, is that it directed her to the Word.Well done.
Maud Cummerata
The book consists of many affirmations, which are verses from the bible. They are grouped around topics such as anger, blessing, or confusion. I enjoyed this collection which is helpful when dealing with some aspect of faith or a personal issue. The author also put her reflections. The collection also contains prayers and thoughts from Christian leaders.
Roberta Gleichner
This is a work specifically written as a resource to speak the Word and God over our circumstances. The author has collected numerous verses to cover a host of situations.Between the collection of affirmations, she skillfully describes situations in her own life where she had struggled and then found victory by repeating an affirmation that spoke directly to the situation in which she found herself, thus enabling her to obtain peace.It is my view that many will be helped by a book of this nature. What I liked most about it was that the collection of Bible verses was well chosen and touched upon areas not usually mentioned in other books of this type. It showed a great amount of forethought and knowledge of the issues facing Christians today.
Douglas Nader
There's power in the words we speak, and we only speak what comes out of the abundance of our hearts. Thoughts dictate our beliefs, and this book is a great resource to train your mind, and your tongue, and learn what God says.
Ashleigh Kutch
The book has many scripture verses, affirmations, prayers, and prayer & praise journal pages to help believers quickly access key scriptures for daily reference and quick memorization.
Jon Farrell
This journal is so beautiful. I love the table of contents to direct you to an area of your life that you are seeking the spirit in. The back pages for written prayer requests is a beautiful touch.
Alessandra Streich
I love that the author gives Bible verses that have recurring themes that go with them. For example, how to handle divorce is in here with Bible verses that support it. There are reflections and affirmations in here as well (as the title suggests). I highly recommend it to Christian readers that want an easy way to think about their lifestyles and the way that they treat others.
Adaline Senger
I got this book to expand my spiritual knowledge and gain more skills in growing that relationship. I think this is a great book for any level of spiritual knowledge!
Molly Beer
This book is awesome. If you are looking for a book that will help you with verses for every occasion or mood, this is it. It is well laid out, informative, and nicely written.
Danyka Heidenreich
Beautifully written, inspiring and so relatable. This book is a must read for anyone who is struggling with personal internal torment, it can help you find the encouragement necessary to get yourself back in the right path. I loved this book
Sid Kiehn
This was the perfect read for me and I would recommend this to anyone who is wanting to be happier in their life!
Geraldine Lind
A very well-written book that has a lot of quotes from the Bible. The author provides her perspectives about certain topics and makes you ponder about such topics.
Alfreda Hansen
I have been LOVING this book! It is exactly what I needed to get back into the journey of my faith! I love it!!
Fletcher Crona
A very informative and inspirational book that organizes scriptures into helpful categories. The author adds interesting times of her life in her spiritual journey. The affirmations are exceptional. I recommend this book to everyone.
Leslie Roberts
Very well written uplifting guide. This is a beautiful book and makes for a great daily readings.
Bernard Pollich
This inspirational book was well-written, making for a smooth read. Despite this, it could use a bit of discernment.
Aurelia Hintz
This is outstanding! The book is so inspirational and it makes me feel closer to God. I'm glad this open me into a new light.
Ofelia Stamm
Very good item, thank you
Ansel Larkin
I really felt good while I was reading. Very positive writing. I felt some connection with the Author's life experice.
Nikki Hane
Not a bad thing, the Writer is loving and reaches the points easily. It was a fun, and a quick read.
Nico Tromp
Great spiritual life book to read
Dorcas Bernier
What a magnificent book. The printer did a great quality job ..This is a great book to uplift you in more different emotions and ways of knowledge, even some we don't think of.. If you love a book to make you feel good and a fulfilling day then this is right what you need.
Karine O'Kon
I love the content of this simple devotional of Gods word but do wish it was organized a little bit better. i did really enjoy the different affirmations for each topic I thought those were a wonderful addition to the book!
Arnulfo Nikolaus
This book is full of great scriptures and affirmations.Flip to any page you please, and you won't be disappointed!I loved how I could start anywhere and leave my reading session feeling uplifted.
Loy Huels
A great little devotional to keep by your bed and read a little each night, then start all over and read it again. It’s uplifting, inspiring, and full of hope.
Erik Emard
This book gives you great encouragement messages along with affirming the word. You look up how your feeling, rather that be anxious, angry, or sad and it gives you bible verses relating to that emotion. Love it!
Gilda Wisozk
I always enjoy reading books like these. They help me not look at life so negatively. I know God is on my side and will help more good things some my way.
Vidal Morissette
Not many books on this topic, so nice to see one on the practice of reading and speaking the Word. Full of scripture verses, prayers, and journal pages.
Sibyl Stamm
I'm always looking for new devotional reading, especially for getting me through the day. In these hard times that's more important than ever. "Affirm the Word" is a wonderful choice for this.The author writes, "Right thinking, living, and being does not come about through osmosis. It is not automatic and requires effort and participation on our part, which starts by first, speaking the change we want to see and be." She has collected excellent wisdom from the Bible for this purpose.I plan on making "Affirm the Word" a part of my morning prayer ritual, and I recommend it for anyone who needs guidance in right thinking, living, and being. (And that's everyone, isn't it?)
Dasia McLaughlin
The author’s writing is wonderfully transparent. She writes engagingly and does a beautiful job of expressing her beliefs. However, the overall message that she is conveying is a bit troubling. Sadly, the influence of the positive thinking philosophy seems to be dominating the Christian church today. Unfortunately, this teaching is not biblical, and it even appears to be influencing those among faithful brethren.I was also surprised by the use of a curse word and the sources cited in the book, all of which seem to have no place in a book citing God’s Word.I am not seeking to be a stumbling block to the author. Nor am I seeking to discourage or destroy anyone who labors and walks uprightly according to the truth of the gospel. Instead, I pray that this review will encourage the author to pray for discernment concerning anything that may be subtly leading her away from the truth of the Gospel (Gal. 2:14; 2 Cor. 11:3).