Affirm The Word Challenge
The Affirm The Word Challenge is our way of giving back to those who have purchased our Affirm the Word book (either paperback or hardcover) and are using it to grow in their walk with God, while in service to others. Microgrants range from $250 to $1,000. However, there are occasions where we've increased award amounts for extraordinary entries. If you've purchased Affirm The Word and are in need of a microgrant or equipment to further your mission to serve others, we'd like to hear your story. Learn more about our #affirmthewordchallenge here.

Read about our 2020 Qtr. #1 microgrant recipient on our Blog and watch the presentation below.

God's word tells us that as iron sharpens iron, so does one man sharpen another (Proverbs 27:17). That verse, only confirms what we as the human race already know. It feels good to hear about the awesome things that God is doing in the life of another person. Why? Because it once again affirms that God is GOOD, and encourages us in knowing that if God can do that for one person, He can do it for us. As His word says, He is no respecter of persons (or has no favorites - Romans 2:11).
Therefore, we encourage everyone who has purchased Affirm The Word and are using it to grow in their walk with God and/or overcome a challenge, to share their story with us. If we share your story on either our website or social media pages (coming soon), you will receive our very special Share Partner Lapel Pin as a token of our appreciation for sharing your story. Stories that are shared will also be considered for one of our quarterly microgrant or equipment contributions. Click here to share your story.

Affirm The Word truly believes in the power of God's word, and desires to do its part to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We do this by partnering with the evangelistic efforts of non-profit organizations to provide free writing journals to incarcerated individuals throughout the US. A case of 25 journals are provided to each organization to be paired with bibles given to inmates.
Organizations only pay a $20 flat rate cost for shipping. For a limited time, we are also proving a New Testament Pocket Bible with each journal to organizations that do not have a free-bible program.
Contact us to receive a request form and order a case!

On occasion, Affirm The Word comes across a few books that have been slightly damaged during transport. These blemishes include anywhere from a slightly dented corner cap, or compressed wire spiral, to an indentation or two on the cover. We believe in excellence, so these copies go in a not-for-sale pile to be discarded. However, our hardcover books are still beautiful nonetheless!
Since these books contain the same valuable content of our sellable stock, we are offering a copy to those unable to purchase Affirm The Word due to financial hardship. Simply click here to check out the Blemished Beauty listings on our Every Day Deals page. If they are in stock, simply select one add it to your cart. Please note: Only one (1) Blemished Beauty product of either hardcover per customer. You may not select one version of each, or order for anyone else.